Official parking rules
Rules for parking
A) The present parking rules („the Rules“) enter into force, reckoned from 0.00 a.m. on 22.11.2018 and settle the access and the stay of the vehicles on the parking of PLOVDIV PLAZA shopping center, located on 3 Georgi Stranski Street, Plovdiv („the Parking“);
B) The rules have been approved and accepted by the company, responsible for the parking management, PLOVDID PLAZA EAD, company established and acting in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria, with address of management: Plovdiv, region East, 3 Georgi Stranski Street, registered at the Trade Register with UIC 160074440, represented by Gerogios Konstantinu;
C) The current rules shall apply in relation to all visitors of the parking, who have entered on the parking with their vehicle („the visitors“);
D) PLOVDIV PLAZA has the right to change the rules entirely under its opinion, as any of the changes shall be binding for the visitors from the date of its publishing on the website
Access to the parking
1. In order to get access to the parking, the visitor needs to get a parking ticket from the ticket machines, located on the parking entrances. At entering on the parking with the vehicle, it is assumed that the visitor has accepted the current rules and he/she is obliged to observe them.
2. The access of the visitors to the parking does not guarantee a free parking space for the visitors. The lack of such space does not repeal all the obligations of the visitors, described here.
Using the parking
3. Every parking ticket, received by the visitor at the parking entrance, gives the visitor the right of access to the parking, to park and leave the parking only with one vehicle. After entering the parking, the visitor is obliged to entirely observe the current rules.
4. The visitor is obliged to drive, park and to take care of his vehicle on the parking territory in compliance with the current rules and in observing all road signs, installed in the parking, the regulations of the applicable road legislation and its ordinances. The visitor is obliged to entirely observe the instructions of PLOVDIV PLAZA and its representatives, and those of the parking guards.
5. In case that PLOVDIV PLAZA or any other third person suffers damage and/or in case of any imposed sanctions by the competent authorities, due to failure of keeping the prohibition under the present point 5, the visitor shall be responsible and shall entirely indemnify PLOVDIV PLAZA and/or any other third person for all direct or indirect suffered damages in result of violating the prohibition.
6. The visitor is obliged to park the vehicle only at the specified parking spaces, marked on the parking. The visitors do not have the right to park on spaces, reserved for people with disabilities, except in the cases described in p. 7 below. In addition, PLOVDIV PLAZA reserves the right to limit the access to certain parking spaces according to its opinion, as in such case the visitors do not have the right to park on the spaces with limited access.
It is explicitly forbidden for any vehicles to stop or park on the alleys, entrances and any other places that were not planned to be parking spaces.
7. The visitors, who own cards for preferential parking of the vehicles, transferring people with disabilities („the cards“), issued pursuant to the Road Traffic Act, have the right to park on the free parking spaces, which are duly marked as placed for people with disabilities. These visitors are obliged to place the Card at a visible place on the front glass of the vehicle during their entire stay at the parking, as in any cases, the people with disabilities, that the card had been issued on their names, have to be in the vehicle at entering in the parking, no matter if they are visitors or just persons, who travel with the respective vehicle.
8. The visitors of the parking have the right to drive their vehicle on the territory of the parking with maximum speed of 20 km/h.
9. The visitors do not have the right to use fire, fulminatory means and substances, to smoke, consume alcohol, speed up and use the engine without any need, to park the vehicle with an open tank, to refuel the vehicle, to clean the vehicle and to draw out fluids for cooling the engine of the vehicle on the territory of the parking, as well as to place anything that could prevent visibility, passing or parking of the vehicles at the parking.
Leaving the parking
10. The maximum allowed stay at the parking for one vehicle is 6 (six hours). In case of exceeding the maximum allowed stay as it is specified according to this point 10, the visitor shall continue to be bound to the current rules until the moment when the vehicle leaves the parking and until the moment of paying all the necessary fees by the visitor. The visitor shall accept that PLOVDIV PLAZA has the right to remove the vehicle from the parking after expiration of the maximum allowed stay at the expense of the visitor. In the above cases, the visitor shall pay all and any fees in relation to the rules and to pay all necessary expenses of removing the vehicle from PLOVDIV PLAZA.
Additional obligations for payment
11. In case of violation by the visitor of the obligations under the current rules, PLOVDIV PLAZA has the right entirely according to its opinion:
а) at first breach – to put a penal sticker on the front glass of the visitor’s vehicle;
b) for every breach after the first one – to require payment for the breach in the amount of 100 (one hundred) leva, including VAT;
c) to remove the vehicle from the parking at the expense of the visitor, in case that the vehicle has not been duly parked in compliance with the rules, or represents a danger or stays on the parking after expiration of the maximum allowed period for the stay;
d) to forbid an access to the parking of the visitor with his/her vehicle for a period up to 1 year;
e) in case when the time for the stay of the vehicle on the territory of the parking exceeds the maximum allowed time for the stay under p. 10 above, the visitor shall owe a fee in the amount of 250 (two hundred and fifty) leva, including VAT.
Rules and obligations of PLOVDIV PLAZA
12. PLOVDIV PLAZA has the right to collect fees under the current rules in the amounts and under the circumstances, described in the rules.
13. PLOVDIV PLAZA provides the visitors with an undisturbed access to the parking in relation to the purposes of the current rules. PLOVDIV PLAZA shall not be obliged to provide the visitors with free parking space when entering the parking.
14. PLOVDIV PLAZA bears a responsibility only for damages, caused by PLOVDIV PLAZA or by its representatives, as a result of an intent or gross negligence. PLOVDIV PLAZA does not bear any responsibility for damages, caused by third persons. The visitor is obliged to inform PLOVDIV PLAZA for any damages, caused at the parking, immediately after their occurrence and in any case before leaving the parking.
15. The parking shall not be guarded and PLOVDIV PLAZA does not bear any responsibility for the protection of the visitors’ vehicles. PLOVDIV PLAZA does not bear any responsibility in case of suffered damage or theft of the vehicle, or in case of theft of personal belongings from the vehicle. The protection of each vehicle is a responsibility of the visitor.
Rights and obligations of the visitor
16. The visitor shall observe the current rules, which can be entirely changed under the opinion of the lessor in accordance with point E) of the preamble above.
17. The visitor is responsible and shall indemnify PLOVDIV PLAZA and/or any other third person for any damages suffered at the parking as a result of the visitor’s actions or third persons’ actions who are in the vehicle together with the visitor. In case of any damages caused, the visitor shall be obliged to inform the representatives of PLOVDIV PLAZA and the security service of the parking lot immediately after causing the damage, but in any case before leaving the parking. In case of occurrence of any other unexpected situation and/or emergency, the visitor shall be obliged to contact the security service.
Video surveillance and identification of the registration numbers
18. PLOVDIV PLAZA uses technical means for video surveillance and control and for identification of the registration numbers of vehicles for the purposes of the application of the current rules
Personal Data Protection
19. The company processes personal data in its capacity of an administrator in accordance with the principals and the requirements of Regulation (ЕU) 2016/679 for General Data Protection
20. For the purposes of observing the rules and for the purposes of providing security, the company shall process the following personal data of the visitors:
• video images;
• data in relation to the vehicles’ registration numbers.
21. Personal data is collected through technical means and at managing the barrier regime and the security at the parking, through which the Administrator carries out video surveillance, including recording of the vehicles’ registration numbers with the purpose of recognizing them after that.
22. The personal data of each visitor could be revealed to third persons (trade partners of the company and etc.) in relation to the necessity of observing the current rules, as well as the legally recognized and company’ s legitimate interest to be protected.
23. The period for data processing is up to 3 (three) months.
24. After expiration of the period for personal data processing, they shall be deleted by the administrator in a way and with the help of means, completely excluding any subsequent possibility for their full or partial restoration.
25. The administrator shall inform that every visitor has the right of access and correction of his/her personal data, as far as this does not violate the rights of third parties, as well as the right to object in front of the administrator against personal data processing at the presence of legal grounds for doing this.
26. The visitor can exercise his/her rights under art. 30 above, by submitting a written request and/or notification via sending an electronic message on the following e-mail:
27. The visitor shall present correct data for his/her identification by sending a request or notification for withdrawal of consent for personal data processing.
28. The administrator guarantees that the visitors’ personal data shall be processed in compliance with the principles and the requirements of Regulation (ЕU) 2016/679 for General Data Protection, the applicable Bulgarian legislation, as well as the internal rules and policies regarding personal data protection.